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All participants are required to pay an Annual Membership fee via Swim Central.

The Annual Membership includes all fees for the Chandler Swimming Club Membership, Swimming Queensland, Swimming Brisbane & Swimming Australia. Please note: Swim Squad fees are different and additional to a Club Membership fee.


JOINING REQUIREMENTS: Swimmers interested in joining the Chandler Swimming Club MUST attend a trial as part of our squad entry assessment process and provide verified qualifying times as part of their application. All applications and trial result are reviewed and MUST BE approved by the Head Coach. 

Please do not register on Swim Central until you receive confirmation of your squad acceptance. 


How To Purchase a Membership on Swim Central


In order to join a club/organisation, individuals will be required to purchase a membership through Swim Central. Please note that in specific states, it is mandatory for Parents/Guardians or Group Principal, to have an active membership with the same Club/State association as their dependants. Failure to hold an active membership may result in your dependant's membership being suspended.


1) Login to Swim Central and click on the padlock icon at the top right corner of the page, enter your ‘PIN’ if required
NB. If you are an individual not attached to a family group there will be no padlock or pin.

2) From the menu options select Store, select Memberships 

3) Search for your club by club/organisation, postcode or suburb 

4) Select the member who you are purchasing a membership for

5) A list of available memberships for which they meet the age criteria will display.  

If there are no products displaying in the store please check with the club as they may not have any membership products available to purchase.

6) Select the appropriate membership by clicking 'Add to Cart for John' at the bottom of the membership product tile

Please note that membership filtering for age is based on the age of the member on the membership start date.   
eg: Swimmer is 9 years old but was 8 on the start date of the membership (1st July), therefore only the 8 & Under membership will show in the store. 

7) Continue to add memberships to your cart by selecting the member and finding the appropriate membership then adding it to your cart accordingly. 

8) Once all memberships have been added to your cart, click on the "Shopping Trolley" icon located at the top of the page.

9) At the Checkout

  1. Confirm all details are correct and assigned to the correct member

  2. Enter name on credit card 

  3. Enter card number, expiry date and CVC

  4. Read and agree with Terms and Conditions

  5. Select ‘Buy Now’ 

10) A screen will display saying ‘Thank you for your purchase’ along with a summary of your purchases. Additionally, a confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. 


NB. If your first time purchase is a $0 product, you will be still required to input a credit card number, to validate your identity and help prevent credit card fraud.


How to transfer swimming club membership in Swim Central


Login to Swim Central and if applicable select the padlock at the top right corner and enter your ‘PIN’.


2) Proceed to the member’s ‘Profile’ who is transferring clubs and select ‘View Profile’

3) From the Memberships accordion select the OLD membership and the membership details will display

4) Select 'Transfer'. If this button is disabled, please contact support 

4) Search for your NEW club by club/organsiation, postcode or suburb

5) Once you have a selected the new club you wish to transfer to, a summary of any possible reimbursements you may be entitiled to will display. To be entitled for a refund both memberships must be from the same season. Please be aware that in certain states, refunds might not be possible for common components.

6) To purchase the new membership select 'Go to Store' at the bottom of the page

7) Find the new membership product and select  ‘Add to Cart for Child's name’

Please ensure you are transferring and purchasing for the correct person.

8) Select Shopping Cart at the the top of the page

9) At the checkout

  1. Verify the contents of your trolley

  2. Enter name on card

  3. Enter credit card details,

  4. Agree with Terms and Conditions

  5. Select ‘Buy Now’

NB If your membership requires a document upload, please see here for details.

10) On the 'Thank you for your purchase' page select 'Set as Primary Membership'. 
This club will become the preferred club/association for the member when participating in activities.

11) Select 'Transfer From' and the old membership you are transferring from will be listed

12) Select the old membership and you will be returned to the Membership Transfer page

13) On the Membership Transfer page please confirm

Membership you are transferring from
Membership you are transferring to
Summary of Reimbursement you may be entitled to

14) On completing the transfer the member will be eligible to receive a refund on any components which are common to both membership products (i.e. State fee and National fee components). 

To be entitled for a refund both memberships must be from the same season.

Please be aware that in certain states, refunds might not be possible for common components.

15) Select 'Transfer' and a pop up modal will show. Select 'Transfer'

16) The transfer request is automatically approved and the new membership will display with a 'Primary' tag. Please note that this can take up to 30 minutes to occur.
17) The old membership can then be located under the 'Inactive Only' membership status with a 'Transferred' status tag


Transferring to a New Club Membership with Document Requirement

For those that are transferring to a new membership with a document requirement. 

1) Complete the steps 1-9 above

2) After payment you will see a page that will prompt you to upload your document

3) Once you upload the required document you will be returned to the 'Thank you for your purchase' page

4) The new membership will remain as pending until the new club has approved the document.
Please follow up with the club/association regarding the document approval as this must be completed within 6 days of purchase

5) Once the document is approved you can proceed with the club transfer

6) Proceed to the member’s ‘Profile’ who is transferring clubs and select ‘View Profile’

7) From the Memberships accordion select the OLD membership and the membership details will display

8) Select 'Transfer'

9) On the Membership Transfer page confirm the membership you are transferring from

10) Select the checkbox next to the NEW membership product.

6) A Summary of Reimbursements will display. On completing the transfer the member will be eligible to receive a refund on any components which are common to both membership products (i.e. State fee and National fee components). To be entitled for a refund both memberships must be from the same season.

Please be aware that in certain states, refunds might not be possible for common components.

6) Select 'Transfer' and a pop up modal will show. Select 'Transfer'

7) The transfer request is automatically approved and the new membership will display with a 'Primary' tag. Please note that this can take up to 30 minutes to occur.
8) The old membership can then be located under the 'Inactive Only' membership status with a 'Transferred' status tag



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